Saturday, November 21, 2020

Meditating at the Pier


I was standing at the top of the boardwalk early Saturday morning, getting ready to walk down the ramp to the sidewalk, when all of a sudden, everything around me started to move in slow motion. Seconds later, I felt an inner peace overtake my spirit, which prompted me to take a deep breath, hold it in for 4.7 seconds, and listen to the soothing sound of my heartbeat.

I then opened my eyes wide to fully embrace the present moment, and all it had to offer. In doing so, the yellow paint neatly trimmed on the side of the wooden steps appeared so vivid, and the squeaking footsteps of a guy walking his dog at the bottom of the slope sounded crystal clear!

Halfway down the ramp, heading towards the Pumpkin Arch, unexpectedly, my eyes were struck by a beam of sunlight reflecting down from a skyscraper across the street! I froze for a second while squinting my eyes, and then I calmly walked over to the front of the orange structure and stood there in awe, taking pictures.

After that, I had a strong desire to meditate and decided to go with the flow. I found a spot to relax, put myself in a comfortable position, turned on my favorite meditation playlist, and allowed my thoughts to flow freely before dosing off for a few minutes.

I woke up inspired and ready to go! 😊


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