Friday, August 13, 2021


In the next three seconds, pause and imagine me sleeping soundly in the middle of the night when suddenly, a noise coming from just outside my window awakens me.

Are you now wondering what woke me up?

Since you've asked, it was the soothing sound of raindrops falling. Initially, I thought that I was dreaming, and when I realized that I wasn't in the midst of a dream, I decided to hop out of bed and embrace this moment!

So my next move was to look at the digital clock on the wall, and it read 3:07 am. Next, I slowly got from underneath the covers to stand up and then eased over to the window, moved the curtains to the side, and followed that by pulling up my white wooden blinds. I stood by the bay window and watched in total amazement as the raindrops gently splashed onto the window still.

Now wide awake and enjoying this moment that the universe has gifted me, I somehow managed to grab my iPhone and began capturing my thoughts with the same fluidity as the rain flowing down the side of the building!

Then, I gradually opened the window to take in the lovely smell of the rain. As soon as I got a whiff of that fresh scent, I closed my eyes to allow all my senses to absorb and appreciate one of nature's most valuable resources. A few minutes later, I got back into bed and laid in it, feeling peaceful inside.

Although it was relatively dark in my bedroom, I had just the right amount of light illuminating from my iPhone, which I needed to type into my journal app. I spent the next six minutes typing away, and once I entered my final sentence, I reached for my blue #nyc water bottle on my nightstand, took a sip of H2O, and then went back to sleep.

The next thing I knew, it was 5 am, and it was time to start my day. Let's go! So I quickly put on some workout clothes, hopped on the elevator, and rushed outside to meet up with today's running group at a corner only a few blocks away. Upon arriving, the ground was still a bit wet, and I could sense that it would be very dry soon.

Shortly after linking up with my crew, we were jogging alongside the Hudson, getting ready to zip by the W hotel, when I began to feel the temp outside begin to heat up fast. That prompted me to ask Siri for a weather report, and she indicated that it was already 79 degrees, and the high for the day is forecasted to be 98. Yikes!

With the ground now dry, we approached and prepared to enter the dock we designated as our landmark to turn around. We rolled onto the pier (slides 4 – 6), and as we were getting ready to exit, I stopped by a bench (slide 7) to take a pic. My friends stopped to wait for me, and then we all burst out laughing because they all knew why I was taking the photo—the end. 😊

Another spur-of-moment post intended to brighten your evening.

BTW—I will be in midtown Manhattan Saturday morning. The Whitney Museum, Bryant Park, Grand Central Library, or the Chrysler Building are possible landing spots.

Where do you think I'll be?

#mindfulness #motivation


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