Monday, April 12, 2021

Greenwich Village

While on the way home this evening, I saw an image that inspired me to write a story. If I've piqued your curiosity, take a few minutes to read this post and use your imagination.

Now that you have been transported next to me, envision us standing on this crosswalk in NYC, chit-chatting and waiting for the walking signal to give us the all-clear to go. One block over, we notice a city bus zipping by to drop off and pick up some passengers.

Six seconds later, the traffic light changes, and we are back on the move. As we make our way across the street, your eyes gravitate towards the Empire State Building in the background, and now you want to visit this historic landmark. Unfortunately, we don't have time; however, I promise to take you for a tour during your next trip to the Big Apple.

With only four blocks to go before arriving at my apartment building, you pull out your phone, open the Uber app, and order a car. Moments later, you hop in a taxi and ride to your hotel, which sits on the corner of Broadway and Times Square.

Just before going inside, you send a text letting me know you made it there safely and that you will call me later—the end. 😊

Do you want to take a wild guess on the location for my next Saturday morning post?

Until then, have a fabulous week!



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