I had a spirited discussion with some friends this week about Women's History Month and the importance of diversity. During the talk, someone said that NYC is a union of many nationalities, cultures, and ethnicities with over 800 languages spoken, which I find noteworthy.
Fast forward to this evening and walking through the World Trade Center transportation hub, I came upon a digital piece of art that made me pause and reflect on the encounter mentioned above. I then was compelled to move closer to the pic followed by capturing my thoughts.
As I stood in front of the image, admiring the diverse group of people depicted as cartoon characters, I felt a sense of pride and joy about living in the quintessential melting pot, aka the Big Apple.
After that lovely thought, I began to think of you, my LinkedIn family, in a similar fashion, then I started to celebrate the diverse group of individuals and ideas that I am fortunate to be exposed to in my network. With that premise, I share this post with extreme optimism, and I want to say that I value and stand with you all!
Indeed, there is much work to do to make this world a better place, so let's all spread kindness, learn from and grow with each other while engaging on this platform respectfully.
Are you with me?
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