Saturday, July 13, 2019

Amazon and Long Island City

Seven Negotiation Lessons from Amazon's HQ Disaster in Queens - HBS Working Knowledge - Harvard Business School

Like many of you, I found myself wondering what exactly happened to the much-publicized Amazon plan for a New York HQ campus in Long Island City. Admittedly, I wasn't paying close attention as this story initially developed; however, with all the media attention, there was no shortage of opinions. In fact, the buzz around this proposed move (at least in my circle) was extraordinary. Notwithstanding, looking from a 30,000-foot view, the potential economic impact on Long Island City, Queens, and surrounding areas would have been tremendous. According to this article, “25,000+ jobs paying more than $100,000 each with all the ancillary economic benefits” was forecasted.
hashtagforecasting That said, this piece offers an intriguing perspective regarding what the author, James K. Sebenius titled, "Seven Negotiation Lessons from Amazon's HQ Disaster in Queens." A few key takeaways: The power of social media as a vehicle to rapidly augment the views of the opposition by providing a voice to many otherwise passive groups is remarkable. Finally, the synopsis on “DADA” (Decide-Announce-Defend-Abandon) specific to this article is outstanding. Great information and nicely written. hashtaglessons

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