Sunday, January 10, 2021


I was on the move just after nine o'clock this morning looking for a bench in the park to sit down and read through a printed newspaper (yes, they still exist) when I came upon a woman stretching in an open field overlooking the city. Nothing out of the ordinary, so as you might expect, I sat down on a bench and started reading the Sunday paper.

After flipping through the business section and finding something I wanted to read, I folded the newspaper in half to make it easier to see the article. While doing so, I looked up for a moment, and to my surprise, the woman I saw stretching a few minutes ago was now doing ballet. What?

As a classical ballet fan, watching her practice became more interesting than reading an article. Hoping she didn't think I was stalking her, I sat on the bench in awe as if I was sitting close to the center aisle in the theatre observing a show.

About four minutes into the performance, she looked in my direction, and I immediately stood up and gave her a standing ovation! She smiled, waved, and then finished her routine. Love it!

Inspired by what I witnessed, I opened my journal app and began capturing my thoughts. Then, I read the article and got on with my day.

What a great way to start a Sunday! 😊

Have a fantastic week ahead. Let's go!



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