Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cultivating Meaningful Relationships on LinkedIn

Since I began giving LinkedIn some energy back in Jan 2019, the people that I’ve met from all corners of the world has been overwhelming. That has afforded me the chance to develop new relationships that I may have never come across.

On that premise, I connected with Sheeba, a talented artist from Dubai. During a recent chat, I learned that some of her art is on display at the NYA Art Center in New York City, where I happen to reside. Already intrigued by the art she’s shared on LinkedIn, I was thrilled to head over to the art center to get a firsthand look at her work and to support a connection.

By doing so, I gained a greater appreciation for her artistic abilities. I also spoke to a few observers at the gallery, and they were complimentary of her work. This kind of positive feedback is no easy feat in the Big Apple as New Yorkers are known for being harsh critics. I've affixed a few photos to give you a visual representation of the art center and how her work is displayed.

Final analysis, I learned something new about art from Sheeba, which inspired me to visit the NYA Art Center in support of her. So, I encourage you to cultivate meaningful relationships on this fantastic platform, and embrace the new experiences it may bring!

#art #passion #anthonysledge

1 comment:

  1. So cool that you connected with an artist from Dubai and was able to view her work in NY.
