Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Best of Brooklyn

Brooklyn - Diversity & Inclusion

I am grateful to have spent time with family this Memorial Holiday weekend in Brooklyn aka Kings County. As I headed home afterward, I made a quick stop at the Starbucks that is attached to the Barclays Center. For those of you who haven’t visited one of Brooklyn’s crown jewels, you generally find the intersection of Atlantic and Flatbush Avenue flooded with people...from tourist to businesspeople, sports fans as well as New Yorkers representing just about every ethnic group on the planet. As a result, this area is a true melting pot that epitomizing the essence of a diverse environment. In fact, I draw inspiration simply by being in this area. With this in mind, please indulge me for a moment by closing your take a deep breath and allow your creative senses to feel the positive vibes; as together, we are envisioning a world of peace, inclusion, and acceptance...the best of what society can offer! Have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day! hashtagdiversityandinclusion

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